Tuesday, 14 April 2009



Alcoholism can be defined as an addictive disorder or alcohol dependence. The term "alcoholism" was first used in 1849 by the physician Magnus Huss to describe the systematic adverse effects of alcohol. It is a disease which can be hardly fought by one’s will.
Four main features: • Craving – a strong need to drink
• Loss of control – not able to stop drinking once you’ve begun
• Physical dependence – withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea,
sweating or shakiness after stopping drinking
• Tolerance – the need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to
get "high"

Reasons: stress, influence of the environment, emotional health problems/physical health problems, genetic predisposition; foppery (as a reason to start drinking)

Effects of long abuse of alcohol:
Physical Health Effects: cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, epilepsy, polyneuropathy, alcoholic dementia, heart disease, increased chance of cancer, nutritional deficiencies, sexual dysfunction, severe cognitive problems and death from many sources (e.g. alcohol should not be consumed by asthmatics/ people suffering from too low or too high blood pressure, people taking medicaments; pregnant women – consumption of alcohol increases the risk of giving a birth to disabled children, etc.).
Mental Health Effects: anxiety and depression disorders, psychosis, confusion, organic brain syndrome, panic disorder, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, aggressiveness
Social Effect: risk of loosing job, risk of loosing friends/family (marital conflict/divorce), charges for drunk driving, domestic violence/public violence, emotional blackmail, loss of home, stealing; and may also result in loss of respect from the society + loneliness
Other Risks: homicide, suicide

Solution: alcoholism treatment, detoxification followed by a combination of supportive therapy (e.g. psychotherapy), attendance at self-help groups; prevention of alcoholism

Alcohol as medicine:
-Antiseptic to disinfect the skin before injections are given
-Ethanol-based soaps

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