Saturday, 25 April 2009



I just met a bunch of children, somebody would say normal kids, but their approach towards other people was simply ruthless, intolerant and shocking. They were three girls and three boys all about eleven years old. While the girls were yelling (bad language) and supporting the guys, the guys were throwing cones and stones at the people around (but not at all of the people, they were choosing victims who were obviously different from them, e.g. wearing not so usual kind of clothes). It made me think and ask myself: Why? The answer may be simply like this: 1) Their parents do not pay appropriate attention to them.
2) Their parents are ruthless as well as them.
3) They feel insecure in the presence of people who are different and this fear causes their aggressiveness.
4) They are badly influence by watching violent movies.
5) They are bored. (But they are not fully aware of their actions. They do not know their behaviour is wrong.)
6) They need to prove their strength to point out their place in the society and their own signification.
7) They are being bullied themselves.

Second thing which surprised me about them was their dastardliness. When the victims showed they were more than willing to defence themselves and beat the bullies up, the children-bullies ran away. That points at other problems: their low self-esteem or missing respect completely.
But the most alarming thing is that out of these children will very probably grow up adult bullies… (It seems that school detention would not change them into good people.)

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