Sunday, 26 April 2009



Work is the only essence of life to a workaholic. S/he is addicted to everything touching her/his job. But because the only way to cure the victim of any addiction is to make him/her abstain forever, workholism is not from the medical point of view an addiction, but an illness. This illness is usually being connected with “Yuppies” (young citymen extremely interested in building their career/extremely dedicated to working). This phenomenon originally (very probably) came from the USA, where bosses of big companies pushed on their employees to work harder and after hours.
Nowadays, more and more people get trapped. Reasons can be as the following:
1) Problems at home. (escape from the problems)
2) Problems with partner. (escape from the problems)
3) Compensation of inferiority complex/ low self-esteem
4) To demanding boss requiring still more and more efficiency at work (“If you do not do what I ask of you, you will loose the job.” This constant stress can start the illness as well.)

Workholism then causes other problems at home and with relationships in general or deteriorates previous problems. Workaholics usually deal with this situation via drinking alcohol – or creating any other addiction (smoking, drugs…), while the only way how to get out of it is: lessen the number of hours spent working; get involved in leisure time activities (with friends, partner…), have hobbies and be able to relax.

More info:

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